
What I've Been Up To...

Hey guys! Sorry for my absence last week. I am not really sure what happened...just a stressful week, really, that left me without motivation to do much. Thankfully once I had a couple of days off, I finally got a dose of motivation to get some things done.

As if I didn't have several other projects mid-completion, I randomly decided to tackle a new one. After spending several dollars buying paint testers for my living room, I was left with all these sample pots laying around. I've been itching to come up with a way to use them, and finally I had an idea. I have a small yet very drab hallway that was in serious need of a touch up. I figured why not bring some life to this space, while using up all that paint...so I am painting stripes!

There it is, in progress.  I just completed painting all the stripes and I'm loving it! The final photo will have to wait a little, as I am also repainting all the trim and doors in a fresher white (I'd been dying to do that since moving in nearly three years ago!) I also have plans for a gallery wall of photos here. Overall this was an easy and fun project to tackle!

I also went out and bought some curtains for my sunroom! I haven't talked about this room much yet, but will start sharing photos once I make some changes I have planned. Anyway, the window in this room is also the main window in my living area, so it needs to have curtains that can handle center stage. 

I found this beautiful pair at World Market, and was sure it would work perfectly with the existing blue walls in the space, as well as an accent pillow I had planned to make.

However, once hung, they look a little dark (too much brown), so I am having some second thoughts... what do you think of them?

So that is my little update for the week. What were you up to this past weekend?


  1. Great idea! Can not wait for the pics! I am waiting fo rthe right project to come along with my paint samples too. Love those WM curtains!

    I just came across your blog today. Very beautiful!

    I have those kind of days/weeks too!

  2. I had some floral drapes with a brown background that I recently donated because, like you mentioned in your room, they seemed a big dark. Now I'm wishing that I would have held onto them because the fabric could have been used for pillows. (Curses!) If you thought they looked dark right away, you'll probably end up regretting it, don't you think?


I love to hear your comments! Thank you :)