
Guest Posting at Arianna Belle!

I wanted to pop in to let you guys know I am over at Arianna Belle's blog today, talking about 5 things that have made a difference in my life.

 I hope you all check it out!


  1. Flavia! Do you speak portuguese? What brazilian city are you from? I read your blog through Google Read but I had no idea you´ve lived in Brazil!

    Com to visit me wenn you have time!

    Carmen Martins
    Sao Paulo - Brazil

  2. Hi Carmen! I do speak Portuguese - I was born in Sao Paulo and moved to the US when I was 12. So glad to have a Brazilian reader!! I'm coming over to your blog.

  3. Flávia!
    Descobri seu blog no Arianna Belle e fiquei feliz por saber que vc é brasileira e tem um blog lindo!
    Já coloquei no meu reader! =D
    Bjs, tudo de bom!

  4. Oi interessante este blog parece bem organizado.........bom trabalho :)
    Muito agradável Continua assim !


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