
Inspired by Armonia Decors

Hello! I'm sorry for my unexpected absence over the last week, but I'm back to share some inspiration with you all. Recently I came across a stunning office designed by Armonia Decors, and just had to learn more about this designer!

Isn't this blue beautiful? What I love is the designer's great eye for color. Her rooms are so bold and happy!

I also like to see that the designer, Emily Ruddo, didn't go the standard route into design, having started her career doing technology sales and marketing. When friends began asking for help designing their homes, a passion for interior design - and a new business - was born. I'm sure a lot of us are really inspired by stories like hers!

She also does a nice job styling her spaces.


What do you think of her work?

All images Armonia Decors


  1. her styling is really good! i haven't heard of this firm before, but i'm off to check it out!


I love to hear your comments! Thank you :)